Our Village Councils provide an opportunity for individuals to connect with their ancestral village or a village they hold close to their heart. These councils allow dedicated community members to focus their service efforts on fundraising and selecting impactful projects for their chosen village. If you are passionate about supporting a village and want to lead these initiatives, we invite you to contact us to start a Village Council.

Tel Keppe Revitilization Council
Established 2023
As the least recovered town from the devastating ISIS incursion on August 6, 2014 and home to one of the largest diaspora communities, Tel Keppe is caught in a stark conflict between despair and hope. Over 67% of families currently living in Tel Keppe are non-native squatters. Yet, millennia of ancestral heritage are drawing Telkepnaye (people from Tel Keppe) back to their origins. The Telkepnaye's return to their roots is a powerful move to reconnect with who they are, where they belong, and ensure their unique heritage continues from one generation to the next. The Tel Keppe Revitalization Council has been established to maintain an ongoing commitment on the redevelopment of Tel Keppe.